Sunday, July 10, 2011

Vacation at Maumee Bay State Park

We took Ainsley on her first real vacation (staying in a hotel room and everything!) at the end of June - to Maumee Bay State Park at the western end of Lake Erie.  Ainsley was so excited when we got to the hotel room, she started hopping on the bed and shrieking with glee.  Good thing quiet hours didn't start until 11 p.m.! 

Ainsley went down to sleep each night around 10:30, and so did we.  She slept through the night - I think because she was so worn out from all the activities - waking around 8 a.m. each day.  What a wonderful, relaxing getaway!

We started the first full day by visiting several local nature reserves. We didn't realize this part of Ohio had once been known as the Black Swamp.  But only some of the marshes remain today, preserved throughout the area in state and federal parks.

We saw animals in their natural habitats...

...and one right on the resort propery!
Oh, it's just a fox walking by.

We spent both afternoons at the hotel pool, taking Ainsley swimming for the very first time.  She loved the water - started kicking and splashing as soon as she got in!

The evenings were spent watching the sunset over Lake Erie.  Ainsley walked on the sand for the first time.  She enjoyed playing with the sand, and we enjoyed watching her...until she started throwing it! :) 

Our second day was also full of fun adventures - sidewalk chalk, the playground and shuffleboard!
Daddy & Ainsley, going down the twisty slide
Ainsley is "getting her shuffle on!"

Mommy & Ainsley, blowing bubbles into the sunset

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you guys had a great vaca! Always nice to get away for a bit...
