Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby's First Easter

We had a very lovely Easter season. The Easter Bunny brought lots of goodies over the course of a few weeks, and Ainsley thoroughly enjoyed every bit of it.  Happy Easter!
Easter basket from Aunt Pat
We visited Egg Shell Land - over 40,000 dyed egg shells in their front yard!
Reading her Easter card while trying on her
new handknit hat (with matching sweater) from Grandma Molnar
Easter sweater and hat, hand knit by Grandma Molnar

Mommy and Daddy "recycled" the Easter basket.
Here, Ainsley checks out her yogurt melts.
And new blocks!
Ainsley's Easter dress
Easter dinner - ham, cheese and homemade noodles (with some applesauce on the side)

Sitting on Uncle Larry's lap, watching Cousin Chris pour some Sweet Potato Puffs. Ainsley really enjoyed sitting at the big people table!
Uncle Larry had some silly glasses!

With Cousin Joe

1 comment:

  1. It looks like you guys had a great Easter! Ainsley looks so cute in her dress. You'll have to fill me in where the Egg Shell Land house is located. That is an insane amount of colored eggs! ;)
