Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween Fun

Ainsley was a pea pod for her first Halloween.  She almost slept through trick-or-treat, but woke up just in time!  Grandma Molnar visited the week of Halloween, too, which made things extra fun.
Baby's First Halloween
With Grandma Molnar at the North Chagrin Reservation

Trick or treat!

Daddy's little sweet pea

Ainsley's pumpkin

We picked out our pumpkins the weekend prior.  Ainsley was very curious about everything at the pumpkin patch. 



  1. She's so sweet, Kelly! And getting so big! I love the pea pod costume. So adorable! And who carved Ainsley's pumpkin!? It's awesome!! :)

  2. Thanks! Nathan carved Ainsley's pumpkin and one for Clio, too - he's a master pumpkin carver!
