Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Two Weeks Home

Ainsley has been home for two weeks now, and while it's been an amazing experience to have our little girl with us at home, it's also been a challenge.  The hospital pediatrician wanted us to go to our pediatrician as soon as possible, as he expected elevated levels of bilirubin (what causes jaundice). Due to these high levels, Ainsley had to wear a Bili Blanket photo therapy panel for four days (and nights) to help break down the bilirubin.  It was hard to feed her and soothe her while she was strapped to this machine, but it was worth it in the long run, because she's now clear of the jaundice.

We also had a bit of trouble getting Ainsley to eat enough.  She was very sleepy, partly due to jaundice and partly because she was born 3.5 weeks early.  We struggled to wake her every three hours to eat.  But finally, she's becoming more alert and is feeding like a champ.  She sleeps on a fairly regular schedule and now wakes on her own every three hours or so to eat.

We're getting to know her little expressions and sounds, and we're in awe every time she opens her big blue eyes to look all around - she's so alert and curious!  It's truly a joy every day.

Meeting Clio

First day home in Ainsley's nursery

Strapped to the Bili Blanket

Visit from Great Aunt Liz Molnar

Bath time
This is our favorite picture so far - so cute!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! Isn't it amazing how alert they are after a bath!? Cooper is the same way! Can't wait to meet Ainsley tomorrow & catch up! Glad to hear things are going well!! :)
