Grandma and Nana Wills took Ainsley to story time at the library. Grandma got to meet Miss Maggie and Coco the Bear. Ainsley talks about Miss Maggie all the time, and she loves to sing the "Hello, Coco" song. So this was a treat to have two grandmothers together with Ainsley and Miss Maggie.
Ainsley and Kitty put on a serious piano concert for Grandma.
Ainsley's hair is starting to get long, so Grandma put a bow in it! She looked so cute!
At Legacy Village, we stopped at the Apple store. Ainsley was very interested in the iPhone. She knew how to scroll through the screens and push the buttons. Not sure how she knows these things, as neither one of us has a smartphone like that. Maybe babies these days are born knowing how to use technology!
Ainsley helped Grandma celebrate her birthday.
A visit to Cleveland is not complete without seeing Lake Erie. We went to Edgewater Yacht Club to have dinner and watch the sunset over the lake.
Ainsley's hair is starting to get long, so Grandma put a bow in it! She looked so cute!
At Legacy Village, we stopped at the Apple store. Ainsley was very interested in the iPhone. She knew how to scroll through the screens and push the buttons. Not sure how she knows these things, as neither one of us has a smartphone like that. Maybe babies these days are born knowing how to use technology!
Make a wish! |
Ainsley loves popcorn! |