Saturday, October 23, 2010

Happy four-month birthday!

Time continues to roll on, and Ainsley is now four months old!  She's more expressive every day - reaching and grabbing for things with her hands, kicking her feet in the air, and laughing at just about anything. Yet she's not shy about telling you when she's not happy...always wanting to see or do something new, get a fresh view, go outside, go inside, look out the window, and probably many more things we haven't figured out yet.  

Ainsley is close to rolling over, but not quite there.  She arches her back and twists her torso, but only makes it about half way.  She's still a tiny peanut - at her four-month doctor's appointment, she weighed in at 10 lb, 15 oz., which is still only in the 10th percentile.  But the doctor said she's doing great and is as healthy as can be.  He even said we could start rice cereal whenever we want.  Mom and Dad are holding off a bit on that need to rush things!  :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Apple Picking

Ainsley had her first official Fall experience this weekend when we picked apples at Patterson's Fruit Farm.  She was so curious, looking at the trees, pumpkins and all the people.  But by the time we got to the apple trees, Ainsley was getting a bit tired, so she's not very happy in some of the pictures. 

I ate an apple right off the tree, and it was fresher and crisper than any apple from the grocery store.  We ended up with 8 lbs of apples, some of which I'm planning to bake into a pie.  We'll probably just eat the rest.  Maybe this begins a family tradition where we pick apples every Fall!